/---[form_k.htm 2006-06.22]-------------------------------------------------------------------

				K-Type Data Format	(ETL2)

1. File Format (Fixed Record Length without Control Words)

                   <----------> Logical record (2745 bytes) (1byte = 8bits)
     |  Sample 1  |  Sample 2  |  Sample 3  |    ....    |  Sample N  |  (No. of records = N)

2. Contents of Logical Record (3660 characters = 2745 bytes) (1character = 6bits)

|             |No. of|        |                                                              |
|   Character |Char- |  Type  |            Contents of Logical Record                        |
|   Position  |acters|        |                                                              |
|    1 -    6 |    6 | Integer| Serial Data Number                                           |
|    7        |    1 | T56Code| Mark of Style                                                |
|             |      |        | "A"=Mincho Style Newspaper,    "B"=Gothic Style Newspaper,   |
|I            |      |        | "C"=Mincho Style Patent Paper, "D"=Gothic Style Patent Paper.|
|D   8 -   12 |    5 | T56Code| Spaces                                                       |
|   13 -   18 |    6 | T56Code| Contents                                                     |
|P            |      |        | "KANJI "=Chinese Character,    "EIJI  "=Roman Character,     |
|a            |      |        | "HRKANA"=Cursive Form of Kana, "KTKANA"=Square Form of Kana, |
|r            |      |        | "KIGO  "=Special Character,    "SUUJI "=Numeral.             |
|t  19 -   24 |    6 | T56Code| Style ( "MINCHO" or "GOTHIC" )                               |
|   25 -   28 |    4 | Binary | Zeros                                                        |
|   29 -   30 |    2 | Binary | CO-59 Code (Six Newspapers Agreement Code in Japan)          |
|   31 -   60 |   30 |        | (undefined)                                                  |
|   61 - 3660 | 3600 | Packed | 64 Gray Level (6bit/pixel) Image Data                        |
|             |      |        | 60(X-axis size) * 60(Y-axis size) = 3600 pixels              |

app. Contents of Files

|  File    | Number  |    Serial     | No. of | Number | Mark |        |                     |
|    Name  |   of    |  Data Number  | Categ- |   of   |  of  | Style  |  Combined Files     |
|          | Records |               |  ories | Sheets | Style|        |                     |
|  ETL2-1  |   9056  |     1 - 11520 |  1136  |   24   | "A"  | Mincho |  KPSM1 - KPSM4      |
|  ETL2-2  |  10480  | 11521 - 23040 |  1048  |   24   | "A"  | Mincho |  KPSM5 - KPSM8      |
|  ETL2-3  |  11360  | 28801 - 40320 |  1136  |   24   | "C"  | Mincho |  KPTM1 - KPTM4      |
|  ETL2-4  |  10480  | 40321 - 51840 |  1048  |   24   | "C"  | Mincho |  KPTM5 - KPTM8      |
|  ETL2-5  |  11420  | 23041 - 28800 |   571  |   24   | "B"  | Gothic |  KPSG1 - KPSG2      |
|          |         | 51841 - 57600 |        |        | "D"  | Gothic |  KPTG1 - KPTG2      |
